If you have anything to do with apparel decoration in a commercial fashion and you are a podcast fan, the likelihood is that I don’t have to introduce you to the eponymous ‘2 Regular Guys’ and consummate print experts Terry Combs and Aaron Montgomery, since you’ve probably been listening to their wonderful show every Friday morning for some time, or you’ve gone to any of their numerous classes on screen printing, direct to garment printing, social media, or any of the other technical and marketing concerns surrounding the decorated apparel world.
On Friday, June 20th, our hosts invited my friend and co-blogger for Stitches Magazine, and fellow contributor for Printwear Magazine, the wonderful Kristine Shreve of EnMart, to take over the show and interview yours truly about embroidery digitizing. Kristine was, as always, a consummate professional. She had a bevy of fantastic questions and an outside perspective that allowed her to cut through my jargon and get me to describe the process of digitizing in a way that benefited beginners and old hands alike, if the chat comments and follow-up messages are anything by which to judge.
I won’t swear that it was the best podcast on embroidery digitizing you will ever hear, but if you want to get a glimpse of the technical side of making great embroidery, as well as some hands on talk about what you need to do to learn the craft and make yourself stand out, I think my answers will provide. Check out the streaming player embedded below to listen now. If you are a decorator who prints and could use a more general education you could just subscribe to the podcast and get all of the industry professionals to tell you their inside information here. If you’d rather download just our interview directly, just click here for the MP3!
Thanks again to Aaron and Terry, and especially to Kristine for the fantastic interview! More than anything, it was fun.